Meet my Sister

Meet my Sister

Moonchild Yoga Wear is supporting Women for Women International and their work to help women survivors of war rebuild their lives. 

Moonchild is currently sponsoring two sisters in the Democratic Republic of Congo, through a 12-months training program which will support the women in starting their own business so they can support them selves and their children to a better future.

One of the sisters we are supporting is Sifa. Sifa is the mother of 5 children enrolled in the Women for Women training program in May 2018. 

With our support, Sifa is about to finish her third month of training. Right now, she is learning some fundamental skills that will help her earn an income, so she can support her family and save for their future. Let us tell you about a few key areas they focus on in Sifa's classes. 

Know your value
Many of the women in the program have never been to school or had a paid job, so they often do not see themselves as capable of earning their own income. Yet women's informal and unpaid work holds families and communities together. In her classes, our sister is learning to value the often overlooked, but extremely important role she plays. The trainers help to build women's confidence and open their eyes to the fact that they are already contributing substantially to their families and the world around them.

Manage your money
Sifa will also learn about sustaining an income of her own and managing her finances. The program provide women with a small monthly stipend, while promoting savings habits and connecting them to financial services such as bank accounts, savings clubs, credit and insurance. When women gain access to these tools, they increase their bargaining power, protect themselves against risk, and set up small enterprises. Once they can manage their household budget, women are more likely to start businesses, keep children in school, and plan healthy meals.

Choose a job skill
After learning how to save money towards her goals, Sifa will decide which vocational skill she would like to train in over the rest of the year. We equip women with practical, marketable skills that offer the best potential for self-employment or getting hired in the region where they live. Having her own, stable source of income will enable Sifa to stand on her own feet, support her family, and plan for the future. 

So in the first three months, Sifa has learnt:
  • the value of her unpaid work;
  • how to manage her money;
  • the importance of saving a portion of her earnings.

She has also chosen her vocational skill, and started to work towards a more hopeful future. 

This is so transformative because she is becoming empowered in a way that has a powerful ripple effect. With a marketable skill, together with business knowledge and access to resources, our sister can open up a different future for herself and her family. 

Thank you, for supporting Moonchild, so that we can give back to women like Sifa.

Love & Light,

Louise Wang Nielsen

Founder & Owner of Moonchild Yoga Wear

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