Sustainable Black Friday

Sustainable Black Friday

Black Friday has become more extreme each year. The day has turned into a day that promotes extreme shopping that encourages over spending and it naturally takes a toll on the environment. 

We want to bring attention to this again this year and promote a greener and more sustainable Black Friday. We are not having any crazy Black Friday sales because we do not believe in the encouragement of extreme shopping and dismissing the effects of these shopping tactics on our already fragile environment. 

We understand that there are many varying opinions regarding Black Friday shopping but we hope that you will understand our perspective as we open up to you and share our philosophy. 

At Moonchild we focus on creating high quality, holistic products that are created and produced in such a way that all elements are handled fairly. This includes the materials we use, the production of the clothes and creating clothes that lasts, fair pay for the hardworking men and women who create our beautiful pieces, the packaging of our products and lastly, the element of giving back to those in need. We like to focus on this word "holistic" because that is how our business and brand is run from start to finish. It is at the core of who we are and what we are trying to accomplish. 

This is the reason why we have chosen to say no thank you to Black Friday. 

Last year we shared some tips for how to focus on a more Sustainable Black Friday and we would like to share these tips with you again this year. These little tips are a great way of being mindfull, not just for Black Friday shopping but also for your general holiday shopping this year. Being a little extra mindful this year can not only have a positive impact on the environment, but also on yourself and those around you. By making mindful decisions you are spreading awareness about the importance of being mindful and conscious of the decision we make. Furthermore, by focusing on a more mindful holiday, you may even find yourself "stressing" less. There is so much pressure on the holidays and each year it gets crazier and crazier, maybe this year, slow it down a bit. 

Below we have gathered our top tips on how you can participate in a more green and sustainable Black Friday. 


1. Buy only what you need

The most important message this year is to only buy what you need. Make a list and stick to it, don't let yourselve be tempted to any impulse shopping. Think minimalistic.

2. Shop online or shop local

While shopping online can be controversial, it is important to remember that the postal service is out everyday delivering packages to your community, which means that no matter what they will be out. When shopping online, shop with companies who ship their products with sustainable packaging and bundles your packages. Meaning that you receive your products in one package and not in numerous different packages. Additionally, check to see if the packaging that the products are sent in are made from either recycled or compostable material. We are happy to to share that we are now using 100% compostable packaging to ship your favorite Moonchild gear! Read more about it HERE!


3. Carpool

If you are going to the shops, then instead of jumping in the car early Friday morning, make a plan to carpool with some friends. You save money and do your part for the environment by carpooling and you also help spread the message by getting your friends in on the idea of a more sustainable Black Friday. Plus, it's always more fun to shop with friends! It's a little thing, but everything counts!


4. Shopping alone or don't have a car?

No problem! Even better actually. Just use public transportation or bike! Public transportation is always running, so you can minimise your footprint by utilising that possibility. If you want to minimise your footprint even more then bike to the shops! This also helps encourage shopping small, because you simply won't be able to carry the whole mall on your bike home. Again, this idea of focusing on minimalism. 


5. Live in a city?

You can just walk - it's a win win, you don't spend money on fuel or public transportation, you get exercise and you do your part for the environment. Get some fresh air, maybe listen to a podcast or meditation as you go for your holiday shopping walk.


6. Bring your own bags

A tremendous amount of plastic is used when it comes to holiday shopping, especially when shopping at different stores, so bring your own reusable bags! Plus your own tote bags are more durable and easier to carry, making it more comfortable if you have many things to carry. 

7. Shop sustainably

Buy gifts that are sustainably made, both with regards to production and packaging. More companies are producing and packaging more sustainably than ever before, encourage and support that by purchasing those products this year. By giving a sustainable gift you are also spreading the word about the importance and awesomeness of sustainable living!

8. Recycle or donate

If you are shopping for yourself this Black Friday then consider recycling/donating. For each product you buy, donate at least one thing from your closet that you don't use anymore. Maybe even go crazy and donate 3 or 4 things for each piece you buy. Again think minimalistic. 

9. Buy second hand

Instead of going out and buying something new, get a meaningful gift from a second hand store. Yes, it may take a little more time than ordering that generic sweater online, but how great would it be to be able to give a gift with a story. There is so much incredible clothes (a lot of it barely used) hidden in second hand stores!

If you are shopping Moonchild this holiday season, you are not only purchasing sustainably made and packaged products - that you or a loved one will love - you are also supporting Women for Women International. Part of the sale goes to support this wonderful nonprofit organization and the important work that is done to provide help and education to marginalised women in countries affected by war and conflict. You are a part of making a difference for the environment and for the women who need it the most this Christmas (and whenever you purchase a Moonchild Yoga Wear product). 

Have a beautiful holiday season lovely yogis. Remember to sprinkle a little mindfulness into the holiday madness! 

Much love, 

Team Moonchild

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